
This section contains detailed reference documentation for writing Graphbook graphs in Python.

class graphbook.Graph

Creates a new graph object that can be used to define a workflow. Use the step and resource methods to add nodes to the graph.

get_resources() List[GraphResourceWrapper]

Returns all resources in the graph

get_steps() List[GraphStepWrapper]

Returns all steps in the graph

md(text: str)

Adds markdown documentation to demonstrate usage of the workflow


text (str) – The markdown text to add

resource(n: Resource) GraphResourceWrapper

Creates a new resource node in the graph


n (Resource) – The resource to add to the graph


A wrapper around the resource node that can have parameters set

Return type:


serialize() dict

Serializes the graph into a dictionary for the frontend

step(n: Step) GraphStepWrapper

Creates a new step node in the graph


n (Step) – The step to add to the graph


A wrapper around the step node that can be used to bind step dependencies and parameters

Return type:


class graphbook.core.serialization.GraphNodeWrapper(node: type, id: str)

Base class for step and resource nodes returned by the Graph class. Do not create this directly, use the Graph.step or Graph.resource methods instead.

  • node (type) – The node to wrap

  • id (str) – The unique identifier for the node

param(key: str, arg: Any)

Sets a parameter on the node

  • key (str) – The parameter key

  • arg (Any) – The parameter value

class graphbook.core.serialization.GraphStepWrapper(node: Step, id: str)

Bases: GraphNodeWrapper

A wrapper class around a step node that allows for binding dependencies and setting parameters. Do not create this directly, use the Graph.step method instead.

  • node (Step) – The step node to wrap

  • id (str) – The unique identifier for the node

bind(src: GraphStepWrapper, key='out')

Binds this step to the output of another step

  • src (GraphStepWrapper) – The source step to bind to

  • key (str) – The output key on the source step to bind to

class graphbook.core.serialization.GraphResourceWrapper(node: Resource, id: str)

Bases: GraphNodeWrapper

A wrapper class around a resource node that allows for setting parameters. Do not create this directly, use the Graph.resource method instead.

  • node (Resource) – The resource node to wrap

  • id (str) – The unique identifier for the node